Nicolas Robinson-Garcia is a Ramón y Cajal fellow in the field of bibliometrics and research evaluation at the University of Granada. He is scientific director of the Unit for Computational Humanities and Social Sciences (U-CHASS) and head of the EC3 Research Group. He is Associate Editor on Open Science and New Metrics for the journal Scientometrics, and member of the Steering Committee of the European Summer School for Scientometrics. His research interests are research careers and diversity, and science communication and social outreach. He is also member of the editorial board of Research Evaluation and Quantitative Science Studies.
Main research projects (active)
Check complete list of projects here
Unit for Computational Humanities and Social Sciences (U-CHASS) | Research unit funded by the University of Granada
COMPARE | Research project on team diversity in academia
Courses | Portal with materials of courses currently taught at University of Granada
ESSS | European Summer School for Scientometrics
#yosigopublicando | Online teaching platform for early career researchers
Publications | Papers, chapters and whatnot.
BibliometrÃa o Barbarie | Podcast on scientometrics
Talks | Talks and invited lectures
Outreach | Opinion pieces, blog posts and comments
PhD supervision
Elvira González-Salmón | PhD on Social Sciences, Universidad de Granada (on-going)
Victoria Di Césare | PhD on Social Sciences, Universidad de Granada (on-going)
Néstor Mir Planells | PhD on Library Studies, Universitat Politècnica de València (on-going)